T-365 and Counting…

I woke up to a very sweet text message from my sister this morning, reminding me that in exactly ONE YEAR from today, Matt and I are getting MARRIED. (Gaaaaaaaaah!!)

Somehow, this milestone makes it feel just that much more real. This thing is REALLY happening. But according to Matt, I still have until our engagement photos to back out. So, at least that is reassuring.

To mark the occasion, Matt and I are en route to Upstate NY, cats in tow, where we have vendor appointments for the next few days. Again, this thing is REALLY happening.

See, look! This is us in a CAR!


But perhaps the best memory from this occasion has been my phone conversation with my dad.

Dad: “So, is thing gonna be formal or casual or what?”
Me: “Somewhere in between. No tuxedos or anything, but I mean, we don’t want anyone showing up in overalls.”
Dad: “So… Are you gonna wear, like, a wedding dress?”
Jordan: “As opposed to….?”
Dad: “Well, I mean, some people, they go up in those hot air balloons and get married up there. Or they wear one of those scuba suits. Ya know.”
Me: “….Yeah, I’ll be wearing a wedding dress.”

Hi, I’m Jordan. And I’m getting… Married.

Ever wonder what it’s like to plan a wedding? Yeah. Me too.

Trust me, I’ve got a lot to learn, but there’s one thing I know for sure: I want to do as much of it myself as possible.  I suppose I’m what Martha Stewart would classify as a “DIY Bride.” Or what a psychologist would classify as “Type A” personality. But for now, let’s just call it a “creative spirit.”

And so, that is where this blog comes in. With 15 months to go until the big day, I plan to chronicle the moments and the projects– both big and small– for my own purposes, really.  But for those who have accidentally come across this URL… enjoy!