Some of My Favorite Things: My Coworkers, The Muppets, and Pumpkins

Not everyone can say this, but I love my coworkers. I work with an incredible group of talented, caring, and creative individuals who never cease to amaze me… particularly when it comes to their vocal talents.

Yesterday, my coworkers threw me a surprise send-off party complete with a video that I will NEVER stop watching.

Of course, I had a full range of emotions in reaction to this incredible video.

Reactions to Video

[full reaction video can be watched here]

And the feels only got feely-er when this next surprise walked in the door…

Matt surprised me!

I closed out my last week as a single gal by hanging with my NickFam, drinking pumpkin beers, and discussing the Muppets.

I’m so lucky to be surrounded by so much love, and to spend my weekdays with people who really “get” me. Even if what’s to “get” is that I’m just a pumpkin-loving girl who’s obsessed with puppets.